Hello and welcome to our life!
My name is Annie, I am the wife to the love of my life and most wonderful husband, blessed to be called mom by 4 children (ages 2-15), fur child Lillee and our daughter’s 4-h “meat” rabbit that is now our 10 lb pet!
My husband and I have been together 20 imperfect years and married 12 of those. We are both born and raised in Ohio. I grew up in the city but with a country heart, my husband grew up more rural. We homeschool our 4 children and try our best to guide them in the direction to lead them to God’s purpose for their life. Most people who know us would say we generally go against the grain to what is considered “normal” while still surviving in this world.
My husband started his own business 12 years ago which has grown over these years. I am a registered nurse of 15 years.
Our biggest goal in life is to live life so God can be glorified, grow and love others well. Each chapter in our life brings new challenges, which provide opportunities to learn, grow and build endurance.
Through love, we’re going against the grain while still living and providing in this world.