Lemongrass Spa

Over the last year and a half, since our son has struggled with “immune breakouts”, I have searched for clean products. While I am not perfect at only buying “clean” or using only clean (a teenager prefers certain things), the staple beauty products in our house are the Lemongrass Spa products.

I signed up mainly for the deodorant products. I had tried making a few different kinds and did not love any of them. These I love. Remember with any clean deodorant, they don’t have chemicals in them to stop the sweat from happening. But as your body starts to realize that it is not being prevented from doing what it is naturally supposed to do, the sweating will start to ease up.

The sport blend is my favorite, but if you have an aversion to wiping deodorant in your arm pits, this would not be the choice for you- but it does come with a mini spatula! All of them smell wonderful and it gives me peace knowing that my children and I are using a product that is beneficial to their bodies.

To visit my site and have an opportunity to win free product go here or scan the QR code below.

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